joi, 7 ianuarie 2010

Aion Priest

Priest emblem

Priest emblem

The Priests are the predecessor to becoming a Cleric or a Chanter. This is the classification for these classes before doing the Ascension quest and choosing a class.

During playing as a Priest, players will start to gain a feel of what the Cleric and Chanter are like. There is a mixture of skills for both of these classes that are gained while leveling, to help assist in determining what class to choose.

This class is by far the fastest one to level to 10 and Ascend, solely because they are able to heal themselves in combat. Mix this with good attack power, and you have a solid killing machine!

Their positives are :

  • Great damage dealing potential
  • Good heals
  • Semi-decent buffs
  • Chain armor mastery

Their negatives are :

  • They mostly rely on Smites
  • Easily killed if not attentive

As stated above, their primary attack at this point is using smites on enemies. The issue with these is they are two second spells, and they can be canceled. Although this is true, they are still more efficient than the classes who are unable to heal, especially the rogue classes.

In solo combat their battle style will consist mainly of alternating between Smites and heals. This will help assist them in keeping their health up while killing enemies. When enemies get within range Priests have skills that will slow down enemy attack speed, lowering the amount of damage taken while in combat. This will be used after the first or second Smite. There are also the more subtle strategies and class secrets.

In group combat, their goal will be to heal allies while occasionally tossing out an attack or two, which will usually be a melee attack so they are able to conserve mana. The good thing about this is they are able to group with any class and still make them much more efficient at this point, not just tanks!

Conclusion : The Priests are by far the best classes in terms of leveling speed before level 10. They are able to somewhat tank, deal damage, and also heal themselves (and others). While playing one, players will gain an understanding of how both the Cleric and Chanter will be in combat, allowing them to better prepare them for the choice of which class to take after their Ascension. Along with this, they can play as an out-of-party healer and buffer for other players to assist them in leveling up in the newbie levels.

Aion Mage

Mage emblem

Mage emblem

Mages are the “spell casters” of Aion. Their primary goal is to destroy enemies by using magic spells. Up until their Ascension there is only one real choice on how to kill mobs; spells. After the Ascension they then have the choice of either going Sorcerer, which can nuke mobs with spells, or Spiritmaster, which relies on summons.

Much like the Rogues, Mages have very low defense but deal a great amount of damage to enemies. What brings the Mages up above them, however, is the ability to launch ranged attacks even at low levels. This helps somewhat compensate for their low defense by allowing them to toss out a few attacks before their enemies reach them. At the same time, however, their spells can be canceled by enemies fairly easy, leaving them vulnerable to being pummeled.

The Mages are forced to use only one type of armor; Cloth. This is the lowest defense possible, which puts them in a very delicate situation when it comes to having to tank the mobs (solo) or when pulling aggression of mobs (when grouped). Once the class is learned well, however, it is quite easy to battle enemy foes!

The high points of this class are :

  • Great damage potential using spells
  • The ability to attack enemies from a distance

The low points of them are :

  • The lowest defense out of all of the classes
  • Spells can be canceled by enemies

Pushing through this Mage class is significantly easier than Rogues, but still harder than the others. Much like with Rogues, however, keeping at it will yield great results.

The weapons of choice are Spellbooks and Orbs, both of which are used for magical damage rather than melee.

In solo combat, the Mages will rely on just dealing as many magical attacks as possible while only taking on one mob at a time. Taking on two is a sure-fire way to die, being that it doubles the chances of being canceled while casting.

When grouped, the risk of death goes down quite a bit because someone else is also dealing damage (and/or tanking), lowering the amount of time the mob lives.

Conclusion : Much like the Rogue classes, Mages have very low defense but are able to dish out huge amounts of damage. Thankfully they are able to use ranged attacks, allowing them to get in a hit or two before their enemies are within range of attacking them. At the same time, they can also be canceled once their enemy gets within range, potentially raising the possibility of death.

Aion Scout

Aion Scout

Scout emblem

Scout are the melee damage dealing class in Aion. These can turn into either the Ranger or the Assassin, both of which are very different from one another. Although this is true, they do share the same play style up until their Ascension.

Scout are based primarily on evasion and damage. Their defense is low, but their damage is quite high, making them kill quickly but die quickly at the same time. Especially because Scout are melee characters up until their Ascension, this creates a very complicated leveling style in the early levels. Once past that point, however, both of them are very good at what they do (Assassins attack from stealth with duals, Rangers kite with bows).

Although most of the beginning classes have mixtures of both of their future class choices, Scout do not. There are no bow skills for Rangers until they have completed their Ascension. Because of this, it is very complicated to learn how the Rangers will actually do in combat until becoming one.

The positive aspects of Scout are :

  • Great damage dealing capacity
  • Ability to dual-wield at level 5!
  • Ability to hide from players and mobs

The negative aspects are :

  • Low defense so they take a lot of damage
  • No bow skills until completing Ascension
  • No preparation for being a Ranger

Although there is no preparation for becoming a Ranger, most players will already understand the basics of the class : Kite and run, kite and run. This helps out somewhat, but it would be much better to have a bow skill or two as a Rogue to see what to expect damage-wise.

Scout are much better suited to group environments rather than solo, being that one of their 3 good skills requires attacks from behind mobs and another requires them to evade an attack before using. In solo play, it is best to hunt mobs that are not aggressive, however much of the quest mobs are aggressive. This is the biggest hindrance to their leveling path. This is where Aion Scout references come in handy. Then there are hot-headed players who tend to seek for the faster solutions such as Scout macros and add-ons.

Conclusion : The Scout are a great class at later levels, but many people have issues getting them to their Ascension. This is completely understandable, but persistence pays off! The easiest way to do so is to find a group to quest with, but even solo it can be done by being careful and resting often. By far the worst aspect of the class is the lack of any bow skills (or even bows from quests) until Ascending.

Aion Warrior

Warrior emblem

Warrior emblem

Warriors are the tanking class in Aion. They are the only class capable of using Plate armor, giving them higher defense than any of the others. Along with this, the Warriors are the only classes that obtain skills to help them gain aggression on mobs, making mobs “hate” them more. This helps because it reduces the chance that group members will be attacked by the mobs. Note that these aggression skills are not obtained until choosing a class after Ascension.

The main thing to do as a Warrior is choose between the Templar and Gladiator. These are both very different characters. They both have the ability to tank, however the Templar is much more specialized for it. The Gladiator is more specialized towards dealing damage to enemies.

When playing as a Warrior, there is less to worry about than other classes. Whereas most of the others are worried about the amount of damage they are taking, the Warrior does not have as much of a fear. This does not mean they are invincible, just that there is less risk involved when playing as one.

The good parts of this class are :

  • Very high defense, giving more survivability
  • Ability to use shields

The negative parts are :

  • Lower attack power than other classes

The Warrior’s weapon of choice is a sword, and they are also able to use shields. Shields increase their defense by allowing them to block enemy attacks, enhancing their ability to survive even more!

The worst part of this class is their attacks are not as strong as other classes. At the same time, however, their defense more than makes up for this down-fall.

Warriors can be considered as a good class for new players to Aion to try out, due to having the best defensive statistics. This allows newer players to learn how the battle system works, how to kill mobs, etc. without dying constantly.

In solo play and group play, Warriors have the same goals : To attack mobs and kill them as fast as possible. The only difference is that in group play Warriors will also need to worry about protecting their group member(s) from mobs.

Like with most other MMORPGs, players each find ways to stand out as a Warrior against other players. The easiest but very much argued in terms of ethics would be using Aion exploits and cheats as oppose to the more traditional class guides; for this case, Aion Warrior guides.

Conclusion : The Warrior is the highest defense class available. It has lower damage than the other classes, however it has to worry much less about how much damage it is taking. The Warrior is suited to both solo and group play, and in fact other classes (especially Rogues) would benefit greatly from having them in their group!

Gladiator Class Guide

The gladiator is one of the most defensive classes in game (but less than templars). This class usually serving as a back up class to templars or sustained medium DPS. Gladiators wear plate armor which means his defence is really high. Although both classes can serve as tanks the Templar is a better tank.

A gladiator is based on HP not on MP, that's the reason why it has a large amount of hp and a really small one of mp. A gladiator can fight as long as it has hp because it doesn't require much mp to fight, Its a real advantage.

This character can survive in well in partys but also is able to solo. One of the most wanted classes especially in important partys looking to tackle something big.

Its faster to fight in party mode to gain xp faster due to the DPS of a gladiator isnt that high.

In PvP the gladiator has real problems in beating up any mage class because of the high DPS that those classes have. If the mage can keep the distance between him and the gladiator then the mage wins the fight. Although this doesnt mean that the gladiator is a weak class.

Positive Attributes
They have high defence and HP meaning they can last longer hence the name tank. Always wanted in partys as a back-up or main tanker. Suitable for solo and party fighting.

Negative Attributes
Low/ Medium DPS compared to a sorcerer. Doesnt have long range attacks and can be deafeated easily via long range attacks.

Cleric Class Guide

The Cleric class is one of the most essential classes in game. Without the you would find it difficult to see some of the most exciting parts of the game. A good cleric has to know how to use the skills of his class. This character is based on 3 activities: heal, resurrect and cure harmful effects. Of course they can fight too. It is better to join a party when you have a cleric character and let the others fight while you take care of other aspects.

The cleric's healing skills are the most appreciated, but also the resurrection skill. But the job doesnt go without its difficulty. If they cleric doesn't pay attention they may find their whole party dead within minutes.

The cleric decides if the party survives or not. Both, the cleric and the chanter are priests but there are some differences between this two classes. The cleric's healing skills are much more powerful then the chanter's and besides that only the cleric can handle a large party in which members take high damage from the monsters.

Positive Attributes
The Cleric can heal and buff themselves not just others around them. In pvp the cleric can spam healing skills to keep their party alive. Increasing your chances of winning the wars you may decide to take part in.

Negative Attributes
Of course with any priest there will be a lot of MP consumption so you are relying on potions to get you through. Other members will die without your help in partys so there is a big duty resting on your shoulders. You are also prone to more attacks - you heal the class and keep them alive without you they would die so its only common sence to take out clerics and chanters first.

Assassin Class Guide

The Assasin is one of the main killer classes in game. They have the highest DPS at close range fights and their main ability is stealth therefore one good strategy for assassin is to approach your target while hidden and then hit it hard and fast. They have stun attacks, poison attacks and their primary weapons are daggers and swords.
Assassins have the best evasion skill in the game but when they actually get hit they receive tons of damage. Leveling rate in Aion while playing the assassin is moderate. You will not level as fast as a sorcerer but not as slow as a cleric for example.

The Assassin in Aion is an offensive class, with high DPS and surprise attacks. Another good ability for the assassin is the counter-attacks. After you receive a direct hit, you can perform good counter-atack skills. In extreme cases you can become a secondary tank thanks to your evasion skill but you need a good healer as backup.

Assasin's main weakness is the armour types available for them. Only cloth and leather. But this is compensated by their insane evasion skill. When you attack a mob you must do it from the back because of your backstab skill and the crit rate. In group this is very easy but when you play solo this can become a problem.

Positive Attributes

The Assasin has very high melee DPS and the highest crit rates in the game at melee range. Their Suprise attacks make them both deadly in PVP and PVE. With a high evasion skill and good counter-attacks they are a fun class to play.

Negative Attributes

You are more likely to get killed in pvp without a healer due to your weak armor. Assasins take a lot of damage aswell as giving it out. Your stealth ability can be detected making you weak on close range.

Ranger Class Guide

The ranger is a very important class within the game. They have long range attacks preventing much damage to them and also can continue firing targets as they run/move away. They are very powerful against melee attacks hardly use their MP and can plant traps.
The ranger is a very useful class within partys for its nice skills and fast attacks. Its also cheaper to use rather than a spiritmaster/templar due to lack of useage of MP.

Although with all classes there are disadvantages. Due to the long ranged attacks these require arrows etc and can be costly. You have to keep a distance between you and the enemy to fight to reduce the damage you take. Unfortunately you dont have as many character control skills.

One big difference between the ranger and the assasin is the fact that the assassin is stronger in short range attacks, and the ranger is much more powerful in long range attacks.

The ranger class is a complicated and hard to play but i think this makes it much more interesting. The ranger is based on long range attacks, because it has equipped a bow. This is a positive thing because the ranger can cause some damage before the opponent/mob reaches him.

In PvE, the ranger can fight in both modes: solo and party. It is much better to play in party mode, but it is ok to fight alone too. It depends on you . If you don't want to share any drops of yours with others, it is better to play solo.
Once you seek the higher levels you will notice a difference.

Sorcerer Class Guide

One of the sorcerer's primary advantage is the fact that they deal with large amounts of damage to mobs and other players. Also, the mage has DOTS (Damage Over Time Skills) that increases the damage rate. Though the mage can deal great damage to others there are some weak points too.
Firstly the sorcerer's defense rate is decreased because of the cloth wearing and because the mage cannot equip a shield.

They are still a powerful character as long as the distance Is kept between him and the opponent, letting the DOTS work. The nukes of the sorcerer deal real damage and are much more stonger than the spiritmaster's. The sorcerer is based on the elements of life, mostly on fire and water but also on earth and wind.

Positive Attributes

They have high DPS and long range shots. A very independent class with effective skills. Very offensive class.

Negative Attributes

They can't last long during close range combat and require lots of mp potions.
Has a weak defence rate and cannot wear a shield.

Proffesion wise if you couldnt have guessed are cooking and alchemy. Cooking is useful for making food which can be used to receive buffs. Alchemy is good for producing mana potions.The sorcerer's mana consumption is high, and so the alchemy is one of the best proffesions.

Spiritmaster Class Guide

The spiritmaster is based on the 4 elements of life: water, fire, earth and wind. Exactly like the sorcerer but there are some huge differences between the two classes.
The spiritmasters attacks mostly include DOTs (Damage over time) and also some nukes. Although their nukes aren't that powerful as the sorcerer's, the effect can still be seen.

A spiritmaster is a summoner, meaning that they usually have a kind of pet with them during battle.This class can only summon one of the 4 spirits at a time, depending on the combat type. Some spirits are based more on DPS (Damage per second) attacks, others are based much more on tanking. The player has to choose the right one between the creatures.

The spiritmaster relies on mp just like the sorcerer. This two classes consume a lot mp and money too, but the leveling is a lot quicker like this.

A skilled player which knows how to use the skills of the spiritmaster can beat most of the classes in aion. A stealthy assassin can easily kill a spiritmaster, because of the low defence that this class has. The spiritmasters wear cloth making it one of the most offensive classes. But with the help of a good pet this character can survive.

In PvE a spiritmaster has no problem killing mobs. Choosing the right pet does the whole job. And because of this fact their hp hardly decreases. They have good skills to give their pet extra hp and defence from the brutality of them being on the front line. The combination of pet and master is indeed very strong.

As for proffesions cooking and alchemy are essential. Cooking is very useful in making food which serves as a buffing mode. Alchemy can be used to make mp potions.And also a good player can earn some money this way.

The spiritmasters are a well balanced class. And neither positives outweigh the negatvies.

Templar Class Guide

The templar is the most defensive class in Aion. They are the main tank of any group. He is designed to hold the lines and to keep enemies away from DPS classes and healers.
They are the most important class along with the cleric. If you plas as templar class and you have a skilled cleric to heal you, the success of the group is 75% assured.

This class in particular uses one handed swords and one wanded maces paired up with a shield. You have lots of defensive skills that requires a shield, so this item is a must if you choose to play as templar. You can use your shield not only for defensive aspects of the game, but also as your secondary weapon. You can hit with your shield to stun enemies for example.

If you play solo you will level up more slowly because you don't have very high DPS. At the other hand if you have a skilled group to play with and you tank well, you will level up very fast. So leveling as a templar can be piece of cake if you know how to do it. I'll say that if you choose this class, you must be ready to play in groups mostly, because templar are designed to be pure tanks. If you want to be a more offensive warrior then choose the gladiator.

In PvP templars are the only class avoided by many players. Why? Because they are very hard to kill due to their insane defense. The main problem for them in PvP is to keep the opponent at melee range. You must avoid classes that slow you down a lot, and especially healer classes because they can outlast you in 1vs1. Clerics can be beaten but a skilled chanter will always bring down any templar in 1on1 combat.

Positive Attributes

They have the highest defence and act as a main tank. They are always wanted in groups so plenty of gametime for you. Very difficult to kill and In most cases are avoided in PVP.

Negative Attributes

They have low to moderate DPS and no healing power meaning they rely purely on pots. Can only handle melee range attacks and can be easily slowed. Utterly group and gear dependent. Expensive class

Chanter Class Guide

Although the chanter has healing skills, those are not as powerful as the cleric's healing skills, so when the party members receive high damage, a chanter isn't enough. They can heal but not as well as a cleric.

Positive Attributes

A chanter is a powerful character because it can fight in party but also solo. They also have a high benefit from their skills: he can buff and heal himself and others too, that's why a chanter is wanted in partys aswell as a cleric.
They have moderate sustained DPS if we has staves as their primary weapon, but lack at crowd control skills.

They can be a buffer/healer towards a party but also a secondary tanker when it has the shield equipped. He can heal himself but also the others nearby and because the chanter wears chain armor the defense rate is increased and the character's resistance is much higher.

Negative Attributes

You must be careful with mana consumption because the amount of MP is not that high as cleric's or mage's. Also, chanter's attack skills are melee, this fact meaning that this character doesn't has long shot skills. After achieving a higher level, the importance of melee skills will increase because the attack speed will increase too, and the chanter will give damage to monsters much faster in a short amount of time. The leveling rate for the chanter is moderate. You will level up faster than clerics but slower than sorcerers and spiritmasters.

Though the chanter can serve as a mini-tanker/buffer/healer, these are not the only positive things about this character. This class has Area Skills, also known as Mantras which enabl them to buff himself and in the same time the others around him. This leads to a better synchronization, a faster buffing and also reduces mana consumption. You can have up to 3 mantras an one time.


This particular character is a good class but it has difficulties in defeating a mage of any kind of DPS (Damage Per Second) char because he receives great damage and he has to heal himself to avoid dying but it doesn't have enough time to give damage to the opponent.

A good chanter will use stun skills when fighting player versus player and also will know when to knock down the enemy to gain a little amount of time.

Aion Ktz Bot - The Aion Bot for you!

There is much discussion about Aion Bots in the community but which Aion Bot is best for you? I decided to make this post and give my personal opinion on which Aion Bot I find best and why.
The bot I have chosen to write about is the Aion Ktz Bot. The reason I have chosen this particular bot are for the reasons as follows:

1. Easy interface. Minimal confusion and most of all nice and easy to setup!
2. Works in background mode - Meaning I can carry on with my day to day things without any interference.
3. Excellent way point system
4. Quest and Party system. Excellent for high lvl toons.
5. Targets like no other bot on the market.

And best of all my favourite reason the fact that this is bot is free. So snatch it up while you can!

But How does it work?

Simple! just follow these steps:

1. You launch the bot
2. hit the button Load, then it says sucessfully
3. Launch the game, it supposely launch the aion but sometimes it
doesnt work, you have to do it using the launch manager from ncsoft
4. You hit home inside game and it will open the oog bot gui interface, it will ask you for some login credentials:

User: ktztest

You set up the fight, skills and monsters tab section in order for
this to work properly. In the Fight tab you set up the waypoint
locations, it will create a path.
5. You hit the traininig button located at the bottom, then it will start hunting.

Download Source: Aion Bot

Where to get Aion Kinah?

I was kinda bummed out about how slow it is to earn any kinah in aion. I thought as a change I'd buy some just for the hell of it. Turns out it was the best decision to do.

I really recommend if you are short on kinah heading over to for your Aion Kinah.

They are fast efficient and most of all the cheapest! I know gold sites are not always peoples preference but I can assure it's a safe site with fast delivery and a really good service.

They are the cheapest in the industry, guaranteed, because they do not advertise on things such as Google Adwords, so they can afford the cheapest Aion Kinah.

Aion Exploits - The Aion Cheats Community

There's a new Aion forum on the block and it's not just any Aion forum. This new community website is aimed at all the people looking for and conjuring Aion Cheats. is the new Aion cheat community pioneering the elite players in Aion.

As always, this blog will keep you up to date of all the latest juicy Aion Guides and other such things

A few updates

Recent additions I have noticed are a few Aion Cheats and also a brand new Aion bot!

Although this bot is apparently for the EU & US servers, Im sure its going to be great. Its not as advanced as the other Aion Bot posted on the site but simplicity isnt always a bad thing.

A couple features on the bot:
-target mobs and kill them
-heal your char
-looking around for mobs

Aion Bot

I know the creator is looking to update it into something more advanced but enjoy it while you can!

Heres the download link:

Source:Aion Bot v0.2

Altgarde Fortress Shortcut

I recently added a little shortcut for Altgarde Fortress. Its only a small Aion Exploit but Im sure it will come in useful. To see the full post please visit Gamexploits and look for Altgarde Fortress Shortcut.

New Aion Exploit

Recently just added a new Aion Exploit for Aion Abyss. To see the Aion Cheat please go to Gamexploits and view under the Aion Exploits Section. Heres the link for the Aion Abyss Exploit

New Aion Guides

Just added some new Aion Guides. Some of the Aion Guides are pretty basic but hopefully helpfull to you all! Some of the Aion Guides posted are Movement Bonuses & Penalties & Also the Aion Wings guide is full of useful tips about Aion Wings.
Check out the Aion Guides at Gamexploits under the Aion Section :)

How To Earn Aion Kinah

Are you stuck trying to earn Aion Kinah? Dont want to buy Aion Kinah? A new Guide on How To Earn Kinah has been submitted to the Aion Guides section of Gamexploits. Hopefully this will benefit you all who are looking for Aion Guides about Earning Aion Kinah. Heres the link to How to Earn Kinah on Gamexploits

Aion Toplists

Just came across an Aion Toplist. Seems good & would be great for Aion Private Servers. Check it out the Aion Toplist here

I also came across a Server Toplist, but private server & private server related Owners. Check out the Server Toplist here

Aion Exploits

Recently a few Aion Exploits have been added. Things such as No Underwater Damage and also the Obstacle Exploit

Feel free to check out these new Aion Exploits at Gamexploits under the Aion section

Aion Voices

I just found the latest addition to the hacking world. The new NPC Voices pack from Gamexploits

This is a file for the non-english servers.

You can read all text, quests, npc diaglog In english. You can also hear all the NPC's too!

Find the NPC Voices pack here

English Maps

Asmodae Altgard

Here Is a map for Aion If you would like to see more of these visit
Gamexploits and look for English Aion Maps.

Confirmed Working Bot!

Finally I came across a working aion bot. Ive seen some really positive feedback from It. Its origionally a chinese bot but Its been translatated. Ive found It very useful and figured you might too!
I would also like to point out that the bot is free to view! You dont actually have to subscribe to anything on the site.

I found the bot at Gamexploits under the Gamexploits Bots section.

Aion Chat Commands

Today I came across some useful Aion Chat Commands. These are great to get some of the newer players started with some of the basic commands!
Here Is a really useful website I came across, Its called Gamexploits. It has a whole section dedicated to Aion.

GameGuard Error Guide

This GameGuard Error Guide should help to define some of the errors you can recieve while playing Aion

I Found this guide at Gamexploits

// Definitions

// Error Code 110 - 300
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_EXIST 110 // GameMon Already Exist
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_CREATE 111 // GameGuard Directory Create Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NPSCAN 112 // npscan.des Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_THREAD 113 // CreateThread Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_INIT 114 // GameMon Initialize Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_GAME_EXIST 115 // Game Instance Already Exist
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_AUTH_INI 120 // .ini Authentication Fail
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_AUTH_NPGMUP 121 // npgmup.des Authentication Fail
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_AUTH_GAMEMON 122 // GameMon.des Authentication Fail
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_AUTH_NEWUP 123 // Auth Fail
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_AUTH_GAMEGUARD 124 // GameGuard.des Authentication Fail
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_DECRYPT 130 // .ini File Decryption Fail
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_CORRUPT_INI 141 // Corrupt ini file Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_CORRUPT_INI2 142 // Not match GameName in ini file Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NFOUND_INI 150 // ini File not Found
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NFOUND_NPGMUP 151 // npgmup.des not found
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NFOUND_NEWUP 152 // not found
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NFOUND_GG 153 // GameGuard.des not found
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NFOUND_GM 154 // GameMon.des not found
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_CRYPTOAPI 155 // rsabase.dll is corrupted
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_COMM 160 // Communication Init Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_EXECUTE 170 // GameMon Execute Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_EVENT 171 // GameMon Event Create Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_NPGMUP 180 // npgmup.dll Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_MOVE_INI 191 // Move ini Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_MOVE_NEWUP 192 // Move Error

#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PRG 200 // Detected a illegal program

#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_GAMEMON 210 // GameMon Init Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_SPEEDCHECK 220 // SpeedCheck Init Error
#define NPGAMEMON_ERROR_GAMEGUARD 230 // GameGuard Init Error

// Error Code 310 - 400
// Update Error Code
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_DOWNCFG 340 // Download Error
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_ABORT 350 // Canceled by User
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_AUTH 360 // File Authentication Error
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_AUTH_INI 361 // .ini Authentication Error
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_DECRYPT 370 // .ini Decrypt Error
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_CONNECT 380 // Connect to update server Fail
#define NPGMUP_ERROR_INI 390 // .ini is corrupted

Aion Music Soundtrack

Download Aion Music Pack


1. Voices from the Ruins
2. A Fairy of the Peace
3. Kingdom of Light
4. The Tower of Eternity
5. Forgotten Sorrow(ver.eng)
6. Forgotten Sorrow(ver.kor)
7. Red Land
8. Darkness in your Heart
9. Sad World
10. Song of Moonlight
11. Raging Strings
12. Step to the next World
13. Flying Dragon
14. Heaven´s Gate
15. Gods of Plague
16. Magma&Beat
17. Blue Forest
18. Solid state Battle
19. Battle Ring
20. The Wings of Knight
21. Dream of the Shepherd
22. Death Waltz
23. Attack the Unsion
24. Wailing Wall
25. Arabesque
26. Invader
27. Fortress of Gods
28. The Roars of the Warrior
29. Sea of Dream
30. Glory of Ariel
31. The Tower of Light
32. Deva´s Oratorio
33. Sea of Memory

Overview Of 6 Crafting Skills

Which profession will you pick?

First, you will need to find the trainers.

Profession trainers can be found in the Hall of the Saints.

[Metal Armour Crafting]

This skill enables you to create plate and chain type armours. It mostly uses metal, and you can pretty much make anything utilizing the anvil sitting next to the trainer.

Weapon crafting]

This skill enables you to create weapons ranging from maces to short swords. You can make two-handed swords as well, but you can’t make weapons that don’t utilize metal such as staves and bows.


Mostly used to create potions. Aside from simple healing potions, you can make buff potions that heighten your magical/physical damages as well.

There’s a lot of potions designed for melee characters as well.


For crafting things like bows, staves and such. Uses wood-based materials and gems.


You can craft ranging from leather to robes, belts and many other different types of armour. Think of it as a profession that allows you to make anything that’s made of leather or fabric. For casters, most armours consist of leather materials.

The weaving process is very beautiful. If you want to become an attractive Daeva make sure you pick up this handiwork-involving skill.


Creates temporary buff items. Ingredients include all types of water-based creatures, grass(…), some eggs from monsters as well as meat.

Although buff food doesn’t really play a big role yet, once the professions become more diversified and more ingredients become available, seems like this profession may become one of the most popular ones.

Divine Stones - Crafting

Divine Stones

Called Divine Stones, they inhibit divine magical strength and can become the ingredient for Divine Stone Enhancements. Divine Stones exist in 2 forms, regular(tradeable) and rare(soulbound). Weapons that have been given Divine Stone Enhancements will have a chance to proc the effect during battle.

Divine Stones Explained
Divine Stones have a very low chance to be dropped by lvl 30+ monsters. 'Names Monsters' have a higher drop rate. The sealed divine magical power that has been forged onto the weapon, has a visible effect when attacking and is called a Divine Stone Enhancement. Unlike strengthening and magical enhancements, your character stats won't change, but you will notice the special and unique properties that each Divine Stone Enhancement has.

These enhanced weapons each have their own unique visual effects and will be able to be distinguished this way. Unlike magic and strengthening enhancements, Divine Stone Enhancements cannot be forged by yourself, so you will need to visit a Divine Stone Enhancement NPC which is available in each of the faction's major cities.

'Silence' enhancements are extremely efficient against mages

Divine Stone Enhancement NPC Locations
FactionNPC NameNPC Location
ElyosClick the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.

AsmodianClick the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.

Divine Stone Enhancement Process

To proceed with getting a Divine Stone Enhancement, you must visit your faction's Divine Stone Enhancement NPC(Elyos: Elysium, Asmodian: Pandemonium) and pay a fee of 100,000 Qina(fee may change depending on current tax rates). Equipped weapons cannot be enhanced, therefore you must unequip and have the weapon you want to enhance in your inventory, before proceeding to talk with the NPC.

Unlike magic and strengthening enhancements, Divine Stone Enhancements have a 100% chance to succeed. Be aware that, if you enhance a weapon already with a Divine Stone Enhancement, then the previous enhancement will be deleted and the new enhancement will be applied over it.

Weapons that have previous magic/strengthening enhancements are also eligible for Divine Stone Enhancements.

Click the image to open in full size.
Visual effects will vary and show according
to the attribute of the Divine Stone

Click the image to open in full size.
In the Divine Stone Enhancement window,
put up your weapon and Divine Stone

Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Enhancement details have
been added to the bottom of
the weapons detail frame

Click the image to open in full size.

Divine Stone Enhancement Effects
Weapons bestowed with Divine Stone Enhancements, have varying effects depending on the type of enhancement applied. By looking at the visual effect, a player will easily be able to identify what type of Divine Stone Enhancement you have, and be able to adjust their strategy. There are many types of Divine Stone Enhancements, and the visual effect shown will match the Divine Stone Enhancement you have. For example, bestowing a weapon with a fire-type attribute will display a fiery visual effect. Below is the images of all Divine Stone Enhancement visual effects.

Divine Stone Enhancement Effects
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Fire-Type Damage
Click the image to open in full size.
Water-Type Damage
Click the image to open in full size.
Wind-Type Damage
Click the image to open in full size.
Earth-Type Damage
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
Decrease attack speed
Click the image to open in full size.
Decrease run speed
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.

Application of Divine Stone Enhancements

The effects of the Divine Stone Enhancements are applied through regular attacks and skills. Mages that use orbs as their main weapons and cast spells will also benefit from the effects of Divine Stone Enhancements no matter what type of attack spells they use. The Divine Stone Enhancements all have different their proc rates, and some attributes may proc more often than others.

To proc the effect more often, it is beneficial to have a fast attack speed, and also to attack a target with a lower resistance of the associated attribute. Classes that often use skills with cast times such as the Sorcerer and Spirit Master can also rely on decent proc rates. The effects will not proc when casting buffs or heals on yourself or to other friendly players.

Divine Stone Enhancement List

Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Fire-Type Magic Strike304% chance on active weapon use to inflict 185 fire magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Fire-Type Magic Heavy Strike302% chance on active weapon use to inflict 370 fire magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Earth-Type Magic Strike306% chance on active weapon use to inflict 124 earth magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Earth-Type Magic Heavy Strike303% chance on active weapon use to inflict 247 earth magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Bleed-Negative Status Effect Strike305% chance on active weapon use to inflict 40 bleeding damage every 3 seconds for 20 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Bleed-Negative Status Effect Heavy Strike305% chance on active weapon use to inflict 65 bleeding damage every 3 seconds for 20 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Rasberg's Affection4010% chance on active weapon use to blind the target for 10 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Rasberg's Devotion405% chance on active weapon use to reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Io's Tear4010% chance on active weapon use to reduce the target's attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Orizta's Blood4010% chance on active weapon use to inflict 38 poison damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Mahisha's Wrath408% chance on active weapon use to inflict 71 bleeding damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Bhreas' Inspiration4010% chance on active weapon use to inflict 188 fire magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Hecate's Wisdom4020% chance on active weapon use to inflict 94 water magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Tracimedece's Intelligence4010% chance on active weapon use to inflict 188 earth magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Ubentus' Agility4020% chance on active weapon use to inflict 94 wind magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Trauponiru's Bravery401% chance on active weapon use to inflict 1880 fire magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Sip's Intelligence402% chance on active weapon use to inflict 940 water magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Prearu's Wisdom401% chance on active weapon use to inflict 1880 earth magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Sigin's Wisdom402% chance on active weapon use to inflict 940 wind magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Nejakan's Courage401% chance on active weapon use to inflict 3760 fire magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Kaishinel's Terror402% chance on active weapon use to inflict 1880 water magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Youstiel's Heart4010% chance on active weapon use to inflict 376 earth magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Bigel's Will Power4020% chance on active weapon use to inflict 188 wind magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Jikel's Pride401% chance on active weapon use to inflict 3760 fire magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Rumiel's Magic402% chance on active weapon use to inflict 1880 water magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Markutan's Balance4010% chance on active weapon use to inflict 376 earth magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Triniel's Heartlessness4020% chance on active weapon use to inflict 188 wind magic damage.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Pacimedece's Dignity406% chance on active weapon use to stun the target for 1 second.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Bidar's Sanctity402% chance on active weapon use to paralyse the target for 5 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Hellcus' Revenge402% chance on active weapon use to restrict the target's movement for 10 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.
Click the image to open in full size.Divine Stone: Sludekelmir's Silence4010% chance on active weapon use to silence the target for 10 seconds.
Divine Stone ability can be forged by the Divine Stone Enhancement NPC.
Actual values can change based on character's class, equipment and level.